Monday, 24 April 2017

12 organizations providing MACRA Support for small practices

Hardly a week goes by in the healthcare industry without a major regulation hitting the headlines. MACRA is the latest healthcare reform that is forcing medical practices to rethink their clinical and financial strategies. Healthcare providers are desperately looking for MACRA support. We list out 12 trusted MACRA support providers who offer MACRA assistance for small medical practices and EPs. Equip your medical practice to face the challenges and seize the opportunities MACRA provides by making an informed choice.

Read More: MACRA Support

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Here’s what 2016 taught healthcare CFOs about revenue management

Battling reimbursement challenges, shrinking margins and compliance hurdles hospitals are exploring options to cut back on costs and increase revenue. The decision to work with professional revenue cycle management companies can be tied back to the bottomline pressures healthcare organizations face. A survey by Black Book reflects this trend.

According to the survey 54% of healthcare CFOs believe outsourcing will help them improve their financial health. And that the outsourced RCM market is growing at a 27% rate. 49 percent of hospital CFOs said outsourcing, including offshoring, is becoming an extremely viable option in 2017.